Pupil Leadership Groups
What pupil leadership groups are there?
Story Swarm

Curriculum Area(s): English, Music, Drama and Art
A team committed to helping pupils to express themselves by looking at the deeper meaning and purpose in what they do. We all have a story to tell in different ways.
The Buzzers

Curriculum Area(s): Science, DT, Computing and Maths
A team committed to promoting opportunities for pupils to develop skills in Science, DT, Computing and Maths across the school– as well as sharing the fun of it too.
Sports Leaders

Curriculum Area(s): PE, RSE, PSHE and Mental Health
A team committed to helping all adults and children in the school to enjoy a range of physical activity and make healthy choices, both for body and mind.
Global Gang

Curriculum Area(s): Eco Schools, History, Geography and Languages
A team committed to making a positive impact on the world and the people in it by learning from the past, enjoying the present and caring about the future.
WOW Team

Curriculum Area(s): RE, Collective Worship, Mindfulness, SMSC
A team committed to helping develop our ability to listen, learn and love– nurturing appreciation and gratitude of what is special to ourselves and others.
B-Team (Social Action Group)

Curriculum Area(s): Social Action
A team committed to making a difference in the community, both local and global, by being the hands and voices of positive change.
School Council

Curriculum Area(s): Pupil Voice, School Values and Entrepreneurship
A team committed to helping all pupils to experience what it means to belong to a caring group, believe in their abilities and behave in a way that helps others.

Curriculum Area(s): RE, Inclusion, Anti-Bullying and Peer Mediators
A team committed to helping everyone to feel safe, looked after and cared for at the school, regardless of race, religion, identity, gender or culture.
What's the intended impact?
The aim of the leadership groups is to involve pupils and other stakeholders in the advancement of the curriculum areas/subjects. Pupils ultimately will feel ownership of decisions made and will see their talent being used to make a positive change. They will develop their voice and self-esteem and all of this should be in-line with the school’s vision: belong, believe and behave. Every child should have a part to play and an opportunity to make a difference.