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Newsletters and Podcast

A Message From "The Heads"
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"We are very proud of Stretton Sugwas as the staff and children always try their very best to make the school a happy place to learn.


As you may be aware, school life moves at a very quick pace. Copies of the school newsletter are uploaded each month to ensure that stakeholders are well-informed of what is going on at Stretton. Newsletters are also emailed via Arbor. 


In addition to this, the staff try to give regular updates via the school Twitter account, which can be viewed on the home page or by clicking here. Take time to look around our website. I'm sure you will see what makes Stretton Sugwas Church of England Academy such a busy and industrious school. 


On this page you will also find other various useful links to online information and school news, including inspection reports and online articles when we are lucky enough to make it into the newspaper and beyond."


Mr Alex Davies and Mr Ben Ford

Executive Headteacher and Head of School

OFSTED Inspection Report

After having our OFSTED inspection on the 29th January 2019, the inspector's report is available for you to view here.


We would like to thank all pupils and staff for their hard work. The inspector enjoyed his time at Stretton Sugwas very much.

SIAMS Inspection Report

After having our SIAMS inspection on 9th November 2022, the inspector's report is available to view here.


The inspector, Mrs Roberts, had a lovely time at the school and this is reflected in the report.

Our Kind of School- Stretton Sugwas Kindness Podcast

What better way to hear about what's going on in school than to hear from the staff and pupils themselves in their own words.


As part of the school's involvement in a National Kindness Ambassador pilot scheme, the pupils came up with the idea to start a kindness podcast.


Click here to hear the latest episode and get a feel for the joy and love that flows through the school and its pupils.

"The Stretton Bee" Newsletter Archive

Take a look at our newsletter, the Stretton Bee, which is a truly team effort - involving pupils, staff and parents.

Autumn 2023
Spring 2024
Summer 2024
Autumn 2022
Spring 2023
Summer 2023
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Web design by B.Ford 2024

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