Curriculum Teams
Introduction: Why Teams?
It is often labour intensive and time-consuming for subject leaders to lead a subject on their own. Added to this, subject leaders often have other areas to co-ordinate. The effect of a team is shared leadership meaning that curriculum ideas, pupil meetings, whole-school initiatives and other events can be shared and not dependent on one sole member of staff. It's about teamwork and strengthening links between curriculum areas.
The Early Years Team (EYFS)
The Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS) team work together to provide a fantastic start and transition for our younger children. Our progress trackers act as a streamlined form of planning and assessment to help adults know where children are in their learning. The learning area headings in the tracker will be different to the more subject-specific titles from Y1 to Y6 that you will see further below...but it all flows together in our happy little hive.

Reception (4 to 5)
Pre-School (3 to 4)
Nursery (2 to 3)
What do curriculum teams look like at Stretton?
Story Swarm

English (Please refer to Literacy and Communication and Language in our EYFS plans above.)
Art (Please refer to Expressive Arts and Design in our EYFS plans above.)
Music (Please refer to Expressive Arts and Design in our EYFS plans above.)
The Buzzers

Maths (Please refer to Maths in our EYFS plans above.)
Science (Please refer to Understanding of the World in our EYFS plans above.)
DT (Please refer to Expressive Arts and Design and Physical Development in our EYFS plans above.)
Computing (Please refer to Maths and Understanding of the World in our EYFS plans above.)
Sports Leaders

PE (Please refer to Physical Development in our EYFS plans above.)
PSHE (Please refer to Personal, Social and Emotional in our EYFS plans above.)
Global Gang

Geography (Please refer to Understanding of the World in our EYFS plans above.)
History (Please refer to Understanding of the World in our EYFS plans above.)
Languages (Please refer to Communication and Language in our EYFS plans above.)
WOW Team

RE (Please refer to Understanding of the World in our EYFS plans above.)
Other curriculum teams at Stretton

School Council


Who is involved in the team?
Each team ideally has one governor that supports and monitors. Parents and TAs with an interest in the subject may also be asked by teachers to support teams. The purpose of the curriculum teams is to ultimately effect more change and impact on the students. Pupil involvement is the key output to the curriculum teams. Therefore, the curriculum teams and pupil leadership groups are closely aligned.